Monaco Ui Documentation
Getting Started


Welcome to Monaco UI

The Monaco UI components library is an experimental project inspired by the styled system.

Monaco UI is based on design principles. With a broad API and better developer friendliness, Developers may create customized component libraries, design systems, web apps, and more.


Installing Monaco UI

This library is made up of a variety of components and utilities that you may add one at a time. Installing the monaco-ui package is all you need to do.

# with yarn
$ yarn add monaco-ui
# with npm
$ npm install --save monaco-ui

You can import component as named component from the main package module

// using import syntax
import { Button, Box } from 'monaco-ui/core';

Or you can import component as default component from the main package module

// using import syntax
import Button from 'monaco-ui/core/button';

Peer dependencies

Monaco-Ui build with few libraries labeled as peer dependencies. These libraries are not automatically installed.

Monaco-UI requires the installation of the following libraries:

  • react at versions 16.8.0 or higher
  • react-dom at versions 16.8.0 or higher
  • styled-components at version 5.0.0 or higher